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Chocolate Vinegar Cake
recipe, baking, sweet, simple joshuacooksthendraws recipe, baking, sweet, simple joshuacooksthendraws

Chocolate Vinegar Cake

I made chocolate vinegar cake, which may sound weird but is actually super interesting! It’s a Great Depression era recipe that uses pantry items to make a fluffy and airy chocolate cake. I don’t consider it one of the best cakes I’ve made, but it definitely is one of the easiest and simplest!

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Shortbread Cookies
recipe, baking, sweet joshuacooksthendraws recipe, baking, sweet joshuacooksthendraws

Shortbread Cookies

This is the third part to my no eggs recipes series!

This shortbread recipe is so easy since it only requires three ingredients: butter, flour, and sugar! Who knew that you can make such delicious cookies with barely anything. These cookies are crisp and buttery.

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Chocolate Cake
recipe, baking, sweet joshuacooksthendraws recipe, baking, sweet joshuacooksthendraws

Chocolate Cake

I made this chocolate cake for my friend’s birthday but this cake also works perfectly for Valentine’s Day! If you’re searching for a cake that’s all about chocolate, this is it. It’s sweet, decadent, and delicious! And it’s also quite easy to make. You should definitely try it out! :D

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Scones with Clotted Cream and Jam
baking, recipe, sweet, favorite joshuacooksthendraws baking, recipe, sweet, favorite joshuacooksthendraws

Scones with Clotted Cream and Jam

I went to a cafe in London and fell in love with scones with clotted cream and jam. I’ve never had clotted cream before that, but I instantly was amazed by how good it was and how beautifully it paired with the scones and jam! I knew that I had to have it at home, so here’s my attempt at making this British classic!

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Strawberry Matcha Crinkle Cookies
recipe, baking, sweet joshuacooksthendraws recipe, baking, sweet joshuacooksthendraws

Strawberry Matcha Crinkle Cookies

I recently saw Inga Lam’s holiday cookie video and saw that she made matcha crinkle cookies coated in strawberry powdered sugar. I’m a sucker for anything strawberry matcha flavored and so I had to try making these cookies myself! They also make great gifts to hand out during Christmas or at anytime! :D

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Chocolate Rugelach
recipe, baking, sweet joshuacooksthendraws recipe, baking, sweet joshuacooksthendraws

Chocolate Rugelach

I always make a christmas cookie box for friends and family around this time of the year so I was thinking about which cookies I should make this time. I made raspberry rugelach before but never tried making chocolate ones. So, I decided to try making chocolate rugelach this time! I’ve been craving chocolate lately, so this might have influenced my decision… haha

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Apple Butter Cinnamon Rolls
recipe, baking, apple, sweet joshuacooksthendraws recipe, baking, apple, sweet joshuacooksthendraws

Apple Butter Cinnamon Rolls

I love cinnamon rolls so much. So when I was thinking about what I want to bake with apples, one of my first thoughts went to cinnamon rolls. I then started to think about what I can fill them with, and I came up with apple butter! So here’s some apple butter cinnamon rolls. :)

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Apple Oat Cookies
recipe, sweet, baking, apple joshuacooksthendraws recipe, sweet, baking, apple joshuacooksthendraws

Apple Oat Cookies

It’s finally fall! My favorite season of the year. I wanted to start off fall with making recipes dedicated to it, so I decided to make a lot of recipes using apples! I have for you some delicious and chewy apple oat cookies made with brown butter. 

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Fig Pie
recipe, sweet, baking joshuacooksthendraws recipe, sweet, baking joshuacooksthendraws

Fig Pie

It’s finally autumn which means that figs are back in season! I saw a whole package of figs selling for cheap at my local grocery store and I had to buy them to make something with them.After some contemplating, I settled on making a simple but comforting fig pie! 

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Flourless Chocolate Cake
baking, recipe, sweet, simple, favorite joshuacooksthendraws baking, recipe, sweet, simple, favorite joshuacooksthendraws

Flourless Chocolate Cake

I love making flourless chocolate cakes as a birthday gift to friends. It’s so simple and easy to make yet tastes delicious! Also, I usually have all of the ingredients on hand. Can you believe that this cake consists of mainly four ingredients?! It has the perfect delicate balance between decadence and lightness. You should definitely give it a try!

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